Forum of young global leaders of the BRICS countries in 2014

May 20, 2014

UNIDO Centre for International Industrial Cooperation in the Russian Federation took part in the Forum of young global leaders of the BRICS countries in 2014, which took place on April, 10 at Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University).

UNIDO Centre for International Industrial Cooperation in the Russian Federation took part in the Forum of young global leaders of the BRICS countries in 2014

The Forum was opened by the rector of University Anatoly Torkunov: the special envoy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Vadim Lukov and Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma Vyacheslav Nikonov also held the speech.

Plenary discussion began with a presentation of the Ambassador of Brazil Mr. Antonio Guerreiro, also attended by the Minister Plenipotentiary of the Embassy of China Mr. Cie Caowun, Deputy head of the diplomatic mission of India Mr. Sandeep Aria, Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of South Africa Russia Mr. Mandisi Mpahlwa. The opening ceremony was attended by ambassadors and diplomats of the BRICS countries, Russia’s leading experts and scientists, Directors of specialized institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MGIMO professors. The Forum discussed many aspects of the interaction, from the economic and financial to innovation and cultural. Among the priority areas were allocated the following:

UNIDO Centre for International Industrial Cooperation in the Russian Federation took part in the Forum of young global leaders of the BRICS countries in 2014
  1. Reforming the international monetary and financial system
  2. Shared commitment to international law
  3. Economic development
  4. Modernization

It was emphasized that all participants are equal members of the community who must work together to confront the challenges of modernity .A presentation was made by the Director of the UNIDO Centre in the Russian Federation Sergey Korotkov. In his speech he stressed the importance of further cooperation in the framework of BRICS, and noted the most promising forms of cooperation in the „green“ sector. This interaction is very important because the implementation of projects in the framework of BRICS will contribute to promoting the activities of UNIDO, the strengthening of the production base and to intensify the exchange of knowledge and experience both within the Commonwealth and beyond.